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    Sari Temulawak Instant

    Sari Temulawak Instant

    Rp.45.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 25.000 per 500 gr , Rp.13.000 per 250 gr $ 7,00
    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
    Pack. & Delivery:
    Plastik / Pak

    Specification :

    Curcuma ( curcuma xanthorrhiza) are found in tropical forests. Wild Ginger also breed on the moor land around the settlements, terutaama on loose soil, so buaah rimpangnya easily developed into a major. Wild Ginger including herbaceous vegetation types are rod-shaped artificial trunk and can reach 2 meters high. Compared Ginseng, Far More Components. Curcuma ( curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) is native to Indonesia, which contain curcuminoids and volatile oil are believed to maintain the health of various diseases. Ginger extract clinically proven capable of lowering cholesterol. Consumption of ginger extract was shown to not cause significant side effects, both clinical symptoms, blood chemistry, and urinalysis.

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